Nursery Age 0 - Lesson 8

(Follow the links to learn more about using the ideas listed.)


Week One: I Went Walking by Sue Williams
Week Two: The Napping House by Audrey Wood

Nursery Rhyme

Hot Cross Buns


"Auntie's Skirts" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Bible Selections

Psalms 71: 19-24


Week One: "Samuel Listens" from The Rhyme Bible by L. J. Sattgast
Week Two: "David & Goliath" from The Rhyme Bible by L. J. Sattgast

Speech & Vocabulary

Naming: (at eating time) bottle, cup, spoon, bib, cereal, mouth, hands, fruit, juice...  (add words as foods are introduced)

Classical Music

Smetna: The Moldau

Baby Game

(This is a game you play by using your finger to trace X's and O's on your baby's back.  As you trace repeat this rhyme:  X's and O's, X's and O's, where I stop, nobody knows.  Just after you say nobody knows, choose a spot to gently tickle baby.)


When You Wish Upon a Star

Foreign Language


Play a CD in the foreign language of your choice daily.
If you speak another language, speak to your baby in that language daily in addition to English.


Suggestion:  Choose an exercise from an exercise book to use with your baby daily.

Baby Massage

Suggestion:  Massage your baby daily or when needed.


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