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SpellBright Level Two 
Spelling Lists & Activities
for Primary Age 6 

Created by Katrina Lybbert

To create these lists I referred to The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists and Dr. Fry's Spelling Book.  The lists include the first one hundred most frequently used words and one hundred picture nouns.  The combination of these words provides a very useful beginning reading and writing vocabulary. 

I introduce the week's words by writing them on a chalk board and discussing each one with my child.  Each day of the week I have my child practice the five words through different spelling activities.  Suggestions follow the word lists.  On the last day of each week I test my child on the word list.  Any words that are spelled incorrectly are put onto a flashcard.  I put the flashcards on a ring and have my child review these words daily till the next weekly test.  When spelled correctly on a test, the flashcard for that word is removed from the ring.

Set 1 

Week 1: the, of, and, a, to

Week 2: boy, girl, man, woman, baby

Week 3: in, is, you, that, it

Week 4: ball, doll, train, game, toy

Week 5: he, was, for, on, are

Week 6: one, two, three, four, five

Week 7: as, with, his, they, I

Week 8: shirt, pants, dress, shoes, hat

Set 2 

Week 1: at, be, this, have, from

Week 2: cat, bird, dog, fish, rabbit

Week 3: or, one, had, by, word

Week 4: table, chair, sofa, bed, desk

Week 5: but, not, what, all, were

Week 6: cup, plate, bowl, fork, spoon

Week 7: we, when, your, can, said

Week 8: car, truck, bus, plane, boat

Set 3 

Week 1: there, use, an, each, which

Week 2: bread, meat, soup, fruit, cereal

Week 3: she, do, how, their, if

Week 4: water, milk, juice, soda, punch

Week 5: will, up, other, about, out

Week 6: six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Week 7: many, then, them, these, so

Week 8: apple, orange, grape, pear, banana

Set 4 

Week 1: some, her, would, make, like

Week 2: bush, flower, grass, plant, tree

Week 3: him, into, time, has, look

Week 4: sun, moon, star, cloud, rain

Week 5: two, more, write, go, see

Week 6: lake, rock, dirt, field, hill

Week 7: number, no, way, could, people

Week 8: horse, cow, pig, chicken, duck

Set 5 

Week 1: my, than, first, over, been

Week 2: farmer, cook, doctor, nurse, pilot

Week 3: call, who, oil, now, sit

Week 4: television, radio, movie, computer, band

Week 5: find, long, down, day, did

Week 6: pen, pencil, crayon, chalk, paint

Week 7: get, come, made, may, part

Week 8: book, newspaper, magazine, sign, letter

Spelling Activities

There are many different ways to keep spelling fun and interesting for our children.  I try to choose a variety of activities each week.  Here are some ideas:

~ write the spelling words using different writing utensils:  pens, pencil crayons, wax crayons, felt markers, chalk, bingo markers, etc.

~ use your finger to write the spelling words in a pan of sand, rice, pudding, outside in the snow, etc.

~ write the spelling words outside with sidewalk chalk.

~ find the letters for the words in a newspaper, cut out and paste on a new sheet of paper in the correct spelling.

~ use stencils to trace the words then color and decorate.

~ paint the spelling words on a large sheet of paper.

~ make the words out of playdough.

~ write the vowels in each word using a different color.

~ write the words in alphabetical order.

~ write the words in backwards alphabetical order.

~ draw a picture for each of the picture nouns.

~ write a short sentence with the spelling words for the child to use as copywork.

~ create a wordsearch with the week's words.

~ look the words up in the dictionary.




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