Nursery Age 0 - Lesson 14

(Follow the links to learn more about using the ideas listed.)


Week One: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin
Week Two: The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle

Nursery Rhyme

Little Bo Peep


"The Moon" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Bible Selections

Psalms: 113: 1-9


Week One: "Four Good Friends" from The Rhyme Bible by L. J. Sattgast
Week Two: "The Storm" from The Rhyme Bible by L. J. Sattgast

Speech & Vocabulary

Describing: (at play time) round ball, soft teddy bear, blue sky, fluffy clouds, tall tree, hard crib, loud rattle...

Classical Music

Saint-Saens: The Carnival of the Animals - The Aquarium

Baby Game

I Spy
(To play this game with your baby you will need to both spy and find.  Say, "I spy with my little eye, something that is...".  Then you would draw your attention to the object, person, etc. and take your baby over to get a good look.)


Moon and Me (From the album Sleep, Baby, Sleep)

Sign Language

Suggestion:  Teach the sign for MOMMY.

Foreign Language


Play a CD in the foreign language of your choice daily.
If you speak another language, speak to your baby in that language daily in addition to English.


Suggestion:  Choose an exercise from an exercise book to use with your baby daily.

Baby Massage

Suggestion:  Massage your baby daily or when needed.


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