Nursery Age 1 - Lesson 6

(Follow the links to learn more about using the ideas listed.)

What to do in Week One
(Just a suggestion)


One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root


Proverbs 11:16

"A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches."

Nursery Rhyme

Jack Sprat

Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean;
And so between the both of them,
They licked the platter clean.

Speech & Vocabulary

Comparing: (at play time) This tower of blocks is tall, this tower of blocks is taller, this tower of blocks is the tallest!

Indoor Games

Hats Galore

For this game you will need a variety of hats.  Use summer hats and winter hats, sports hats, rain hats, job related hats, and so on.  Your toddler will love trying on the different hats.  Be sure to put them on your own head as well, as your toddler will like to see how they look on you.

Classical Music

Mendelssohn: Song Without Words, Book 5, Opus 62: Spring Song

Children's Songs

Down By the Ocean  (Peter & Ellen Allard)

Foreign Languages

(For learning French -- you can substitute with choices of your own in a different language.)

Part One: Learn a song in French -- Au clair de la lune
Part Two: French Vocabulary -- la banane (banana)


Optional:  Choose an exercise from an exercise book to use with your toddler daily.

Arts and Crafts

The art lessons will begin at Lesson 11.  Until then just introduce your toddler to jumbo crayons and paper.  Scribble away!

What to do in Week Two
(Just a suggestion)


Chicka Chicka ABC by Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault


Proverbs 11:16

"A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches."


"Knight-in-Armour" from Now We are Six by A. A. Milne

Sign Language

Suggestion:  Teach the sign for COLD.

Outdoor Games

(Depending on the season of the year you can rearrange these suggestions to work for you -- see the outdoor games link above.)

Hoops Fun -- use a small hula hoop outdoors for rolling; walking or crawling through; or even to lay on ground then step over hoop rim into the middle and back out again.  If you have more than one hoop, you can set up a little obstacle course with them.

Musical Exploration

Favourite Songs -- this is a time to share YOUR favourite songs with your toddler.  You can also share the favourite songs of siblings, grandparents and so on.  Play a different song each day.  Take note of which songs or musical styles your toddler likes best.


Lamma Roohi Bit-Dummak (Lebanon) from the World Sings Goodnight 2 CD


Hand Puppets -- Continue using the hand puppets from last lesson.  You could also create a new one.  If you have a felt hand puppet, make some felt hats to put on the puppet when you play your hat game.

Nature Study

Choose from the list of suggestions according to the current season.

Art Appreciation

Children's Illustrators Art Appreciation

Jane Hissey -- Show your toddler the artwork of Jane Hissey in the book Jolly Snow.


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